Discovery Programs

Summer 2024 Discovery Program Information

The NYC Department of Education will hold Discovery Programs at the eight testing Specialized High Schools in summer 2024. Summer Discovery programs are approximately three to five weeks long and provide opportunities for certain disadvantaged students who scored within a certain range on the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT) during the 2023-2024 school year to attend a testing Specialized High School starting Fall 2024. Any student who scored a 491 or above is not eligible for the Discovery program.

Participation is through invitation only. Eligible students will only be considered for Discovery programs at the Specialized High School(s) they listed on their SHSAT registration. Only the students who received Discovery information in their offer letter in March 2024 can apply to a summer 2024 Discovery program. If your child has Discovery information in their SHSAT results section of their offer letter, then please follow the instructions in that letter to submit your child’s Discovery application to your child’s current school counselor. The deadline for families to submit to school staff is April 5, 2024. 

If your child did not receive Discovery information in their offer letter in March 2024, then your child cannot apply to or participate in any summer 2024 Discovery program.

For students who submit a Discovery application and are confirmed to be eligible to participate, program information listed is below. Each student who submits a Discovery application, and is determined to be eligible, can only participate in the Discovery program listed on their Discovery application; students cannot switch to a different Discovery program.

Each Discovery program’s details are below:
Discovery ProgramDatesWeekly Schedule Program Completion RequirementsProgram Contact
Brooklyn Technical High School (13K430)July 15 - August 15

Monday - Thursday

9:00am - 12:00pm

90% attendance and mastery achieved in all coursesJeffrey Park
The Bronx High School of Science (10X445)July 2 - July 31

Monday - Friday

8:30am - 12:30pm

90% attendance, 90% completion of workRebecca Barreras
The Brooklyn Latin School (14K449) July 8 - August 8

Monday - Thursday

9:00am - 12:00pm

At least 90% attendance, active participation in classroom activities, pass in all classes and recommended by summer Discovery teachers and staff.

Wenceslao Yee

High School of American Studies at Lehman College (10X696)July 8- August 1

Monday - Friday

8:00am -11:15am

90% attendance rate and 90% completion of assignmentsPaula Fiore
High School for Math, Science, and Engineering at City College (HSMSE) (05M692) July 8 - August 8

Monday - Friday

8:00am -1:30pm

90% attendance rate and 90% completion of assignments


Ryan Barley or Sean Dolcy

Queens High School for the Sciences at York College (28Q687) June 27- July 17

Monday - Friday

8:30am - 12:00pm

Classwork, participation and assessments demonstrate proficiency in ELA and math homework completed daily
Barbara Wittstruck
Staten Island Technical High School (31R605) July 8 - August 8

Monday - Thursday


90% attendance rate and 90% completion of assignments

John Davis or Alexis Kirschbaum

Stuyvesant High School (02M475) July 8 - August 1

Monday - Thursday


90% Attendance Rate 90% Completion of AssignmentsJennifer Suri

Discovery Program Eligibility

To be eligible for Discovery:

  • Students must attend a high-poverty public school or live in a high-poverty area if the student attends a non-public school or is homeschooled:
    • Public school students (including district schools and charter schools) must attend a school whose Economic Need Index (ENI) is 60% or higher. Read more about the ENI on page 4 of Diversity in New York City Public Schools. To see each public school’s ENI percentage, visitSchool Performance Dashboard (includes district schools and charter schools).
    • Students who currently attend a non-public school (private or parochial school) or are currently homeschooled must live in a high-poverty area. A high-poverty area is one where, per the US Census’s most recent American Community Survey, at least 60% of families in the student’s home census tract live below the poverty line. For further information, please visit,
  • Students must be certified as disadvantaged, which means that they must attend a high-poverty public school (see details above) or live in a high-poverty area (see details above) and meet at least one of the following requirements:
    • The family receives assistance from the Human Resources Administration (welfare or SNAP benefits).
    • The child is in foster care, is a ward of the state, or is a Student in Temporary Housing as defined by McKinney-Vento
    • The child is an English Language Learner or a former English Language Learner within the previous two (2) school years and enrolled in a DOE school for the first time within the last four years.
    • The family earns less than or equal to the reduced-price lunch income threshold (based on household size) in the USDA Food and Nutrition Service Income Eligibility Guidelines table below ( 

Reduced-Price Lunch Income Thresholds Based on Household Size
USDA Food and Nutrition Service Income Eligibility Guidelines

Household Size



Twice Per Month

Every Two Weeks


















































Each Additional Family Member




